
100 paint balls 550 TL

Extra each 50 paint balls 200 TL



200 bb 300 TL

400 bb 500 TL

Extra every 100 bb 100 TL

Many Like field sports, the field, equipment and referee are rented in paintball. While the rental fee is paid for all these basic materials, paintballs are also purchased. We would like to remind you that in our company, everything is included in the prices. The quality and features of the equipment rented within thePaintball Price Tariff vary depending on the paintball field. Weapons, protective clothing, protective masks and equipment are rented. At the same time, the paintball field, the referee or referees who manage the game, as well as assistants who keep track of materials and equipment during the game and supply them as they run out are also hired. We welcome you to our fields on the European Side for the most affordablePaintball Istanbul prices. Eurasia Paintball is located on the European Side of Istanbul and within the borders of Büyükçekmece district. There are various categorizations regarding paintball fees, and the company supplies paint balls and equipment of various specifications and quantities for experienced and inexperienced players. People who will play paintball for the first time in their life prefer the smallest package when they go to the paintball field. However, it should be remembered that any paintball experience is not an experience you can have all the time. Even if you go for the first time, you should get as many balls as possible and improve yourself by shooting as much as you want. You should live this experience to your heart's content and not leave it unfinished. Those who say they are playing for the first time and want to buy some ammo and try them out are usually left out of the game very soon after entering the game because they run out of ammunition. Inexperienced paintball players use up their bullets faster than experienced paintball players. The player who runs out of bullets has to leave the game. To avoid such a situation, the best thing to do is to purchase sufficient quantities of bullets and paintballs before starting the game. Paint balls purchased as a package before starting the game come at a much more affordable price than paint balls purchased piece by piece during the game, and a profitable choice is made. Considering European Side Paintball Prices, there is a very affordable price scale. Mini packages containing 100 paint balls, all inclusive, are around 550 TL. Paintball package prices are all-inclusive, that is, clothing and protective mask rental, referee rental, field rental prices, use of weapons and assistants are also included in the package. When making a paintball Istanbul price comparison, do not forget to examine all the details. Especially if you play paintball regularly, that is, if you go to play paintball every one or two weeks, the best thing to do is to find a place and go to a regular discount deal with this place. As we mentioned before, be sure to pay attention to the criteria, differences and features when choosing a paintball field.